Hello 👋 I'm
Welcome to my personal site! I have strong engineering background (PhD from KIT, Germany) and 12+ years of experience using modeling, data processing, and open source tools to solve challenging business problems.
In my current position as a Lead Data Scientist at Pfizer, I have the rare chance to be a part of the projects on R Center of Excellence. This work has given me the opportunity to significantly improve my data science and analytics skills. I have a good understanding of machine learning and knowledge of data management and visualization techniques.
Previously, I worked as a Data Visualization Engineer (Analytics Engineering) at Atorus Research, where I develop R-Shiny dashboards for our top-performing Pharma clients. I also worked as a Researcher at Computational Materials Science lab KIT, Germany & Institute for Digital Materials Research Lab HS Karlsruhe, Germany, where I was on multiple high-performance computational and data processing research projects.
I love to code! I am an enthusiast of production-grade R-Shiny applications and data driven projects.
Contact me (ramamet4@gmail.com / +918675278440) if you have new idea or project you want to discuss. I will be more than happy to get back to you as soon as possible.